With Dutchie Ecommerce, you can optionally require the customer pre-verify their identity by uploading a picture of their government-issued ID and/or a medical card before dispatching a delivery driver.

Things to know

  • Pre-verification is required for recreational (adult use) sales in Massachusetts.
  • Your staff must manually verify uploaded documents; this is not done by default.
  • To enable the pre-verification option, reach out to support@dutchie.com or your success manager.

Pre-verify identification before fulfilling and delivering orders

In some states, you might be required to verify a customer's identification before fulfilling and delivering orders. 

When the identification requirement is enabled, you can click into the order to view the customer IDs and see the address of the delivery. 

These options can help to ensure a valid customer before dispatching your delivery driver.

Selecting View ID or View Card in the Order Details displays the card image.

Invalid identification

If you determine that the submitted identification is invalid, you can cancel the order on the Order Details page and provide "Customer didn't have proper identification" as the reason:


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