The Cannveya/Dutchie Ecommerce integration allows you to send Dutchie orders directly to Cannveya, to manage delivery drivers and optimize routes.


Screenshots or steps may not be accurate

While we strive to provide accurate, up-to-date documentation of our products and integrations, the look and feel of the third-party software discussed in this article may differ. On occasion, we are not notified of updates. You should refer to the documentation associated with your third-party tool to ensure you have the most current information.

Things to know

  • You must have appropriate settings permissions on your Dutchie Ecommerce user account to manage integrations. Please see your account administrator to update your account.

Follow this process to set up your Cannveya | Dutchie Ecommerce Integration

  1. Log in to your Cannveya account and open Settings.
  2. Under the Bases tab, copy the name from an active base.
    Cannveya Settings.png
  3. In a new tab, open your Dutchie Ecommerce admin settings and click the Integrations tab.
  4. Click the Cannveya card and click the "connect" button.
  5. Paste the base from Cannveya in the Base field.
    Dutchie Ecommerce Cannveya Integration.png
  6. Back in Cannveya's settings, copy the API Key from the application you wish to use.
    Cannveya Base Field.png
  7. Paste the API Key in your Cannveya modal in the Dutchie Ecommerce admin.

    Dutchie Ecommerce Cannveya Integration Settings.png
  8. Choose a setup option:
    • Confirmation - if you would like orders to appear in Cannveya when they are confirmed in Dutchie Ecommerce.
    • Starting delivery - if you would like orders to appear in Cannveya when clicking "start delivery" in Dutchie Ecommerce.
  9. Copy the URL in the Webhook field and go back to your Cannveya settings. Under the Webhooks tab, click Add Webhook.

    Cannveya Webhook.png
  10. In the modal that opens, select "Job Arrived" for Event, "POST" for Method, give the webhook a name of your choice, paste the URL from Dutchie Ecommerce in the URL field, and click Save.
    Cannveya URL Field.png