Learn how to cancel orders in Dutchie Ecommerce with Greenline and pay integrations.


Screenshots or steps may not be accurate

While we strive to provide accurate, up-to-date documentation of our products and integrations, the look and feel of the third-party software discussed in this article may differ. On occasion, we are not notified of updates. You should refer to the documentation associated with your third-party tool to ensure you have the most current information.

Things to know

  • Merrco and Moneris pay integrations are available for Canadian dispensaries only.
  • If you need to cross-reference a Dutchie Ecommerce order with the corresponding transaction in Merrco (Netbanx), click View Merrco ID within the Payment section of the order details at the top of the page.

How to cancel orders

1. Locate the order in your Dutchie Ecommerce admin account within Past Orders on the Orders page.


2. After opening the order, click Cancel Order in the bottom right-hand corner of the page, and a pop-up modal will appear.



3. Select a reason for the cancellation and click the Submit button. You may send an optional text message to your customer confirming the order cancellation by clicking the Notify the customer via text message checkbox.



4. A confirmation page will appear indicating the total amount of the order to be refunded.

5. Cancel the corresponding order in Greenline to balance your inventory. After you've canceled the order in Greenline, a credit will be processed in your payment processing account.

Note: It may take 3-5 business days for the refunded credit to appear on your customer’s credit card.

For any additional questions regarding the payment processing system and specific refunded orders, please contact your Merrco or Moneris representative.

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