Connect your Dutchie Point of Sale types to categories in Dutchie Ecomm to ensure items show up correctly in the menu.

Once your integration is set up and your Dutchie Ecommerce menu is syncing with your POS, make sure the product categories from your POS are mapped to the corresponding categories in Dutchie Ecommerce so that products appear on your menu in the correct menu section.

If any POS product category is not mapped to a category in Dutchie Ecommerce, products in that category will not appear on your menu.

  1. Login to the Dutchie Ecommerce admin and go to Settings > Integrations.
  2. Choose your POS from the tiles.
  3. Select the Categories tab.
  4. The product categories from your POS appear on the left side. Use the dropdowns on the right to select the corresponding dutchie Menu Category.
    • Some categories also have optional sub-categories. Choose the best match for each of your POS categories.
    • You can also choose Don't show on menu for any categories that you want to hide from your menu.
  5. When you're finished, click Save.

Category options

  • Flower
  • Pre-Rolls
  • Vaporizers 
  • Concentrates
  • Edibles
  • Topicals 
  • Tinctures
  • CBD
  • Clones
  • Seeds
  • Accessories
  • Apparel
  • Don’t Show On Menu

What's next?

Set Quantity Thresholds in Dutchie Ecommerce