Manage your store name and contact information in Location Settings
This article applies to Greenbits.
If you need to edit your store name, address, or general contact email, you can do so in Back Office under Settings > Location.
If you have multiple store locations, switch between them using the locations list drop-down menu in the upper right.
Name: This is the store name that appears in the locations list drop-down menu. It's also the store name that appears on your labels and receipts, unless you specify a different name in your Labels or Receipt settings. Your location name cannot include a comma.
Street, City, State, and Zip Code: These should reflect the physical location of your store, not a mailing address, P.O. box, or corporate office location. This address appears on your receipts.
Contact Email: This should be a shared company or location email address. Manage your personal email address on your user profile.