Select a cash management setting
This article applies to Greenbits.
Greenbits has three settings that control how you manage your cash drawers and shift reports. In this article you'll learn how to change these settings, and how to decide which setting is best for your store.
Before we get started, it's important to understand the following terms:
- A register is an iPad running the Greenbits Register app.
- A drawer or till is the physical cash drawer and the cash/coins it contains.
- A cashier is any user who processes a transaction at the register.
How to change your cash management setting
Be sure to end all open drawers before changing your cash management setting. Depending on your permissions, you can do this in the Register app or in Back Office.
- Select the Settings gear, then Store Options.
- Select the radio button next to your desired setting:
- One Till Per Cashier: Each till is tied to a specific user, and the till "follows" the user if they move to a different register.
- Shared Tills + Cashier Tracking: Each till is tied to a specific register, and any user can ring sales on any till. Greenbits keeps track of which user rang each sale.
- Shared Tills - No Cashier Tracking: Each till is tied to a specific register, and any user can ring sales on any till. Greenbits does not keep track of which user rang each sale, and there's no need to sign in before each sale, or sign out after each sale.
If you use One Till Per Cashier or Shared Tills + Cashier Tracking, you should also enable the Sign Out After Every Sale and/or Sign Out After Inactivity settings, also found under Store Options. This helps ensure accurate cashier tracking by requiring every user to enter their PIN before each sale.
Which setting is best for your store?
Frequently asked questions about cash management settings
What is the benefit of One Till Per Cashier?
One Till Per Cashier requires each cashier to be responsible for their own till, while allowing the flexibility of moving their till to a different register if needed.
If your cashiers don't move to different registers during their shift, Shared Tills + Cashier Tracking is a better option, even if cashiers aren't allowed to share tills or registers.
If my cashiers never share tills or registers, why would I select Shared Tills + Cashier Tracking? That seems counter-intuitive.
Great question! Think of this this way:
One Till Per Cashier means the till is tied to a specific user's PIN. The Shift Report will show only sales from that user, even if they rang sales on several different registers.
Shared Tills means the till is tied to a specific register. The Shift Report will show only sales from that register, even if several different users rang sales on it.
If your cashiers only use one till and one register for their entire shift, these two options are functionally the same. Shift Reports will reflect the same cashier and same register regardless of which option you choose.
In this case, the only difference is that with One Till Per Cashier, the register shows this message at each sign-in, and you have to tap OK before you can start a sale.
This reminder isn't necessary if you aren't moving your till between different registers, and you can avoid having to dismiss this reminder by selecting Shared Tills + Cashier Tracking.
What are the pros and cons of Sign Out After Every Sale or Sign Out After Inactivity?
These options provide extra security in case a cashier forgets to sign out of their register after a sale, or signs in and then leaves the register unattended.
The only downside is that cashiers will need to sign in more frequently. For that reason, we recommend enabling one or both of these settings, unless you select Shared Tills - No Cashier Tracking and cashiers never leave the register unattended.
What if a user who doesn't normally ring sales needs to step in and help a customer?
This is another reason we recommend Shared Tills + Cashier Tracking for most stores. With this option, any user can sign in and ring a sale on any till. With One Till Per Cashier, each user needs to start their own till before they can sign in and ring sales.