If you notice your Package labels are missing any required information for compliance such as strain, THC test results, or cultivator information, use this guide to resolve the issue.

What label information is pulled from what fields in Back Office?

Greenbits pulls the information included on your labels from both the Product and the Inventory pages.

  • StrainWeight, and Flower Type is pulled from the details you entered when you created the Product.
  • Your retail license number and store address (if required) come from your Location Settings.
  • Your store name comes from either Location Settings or Label Settings, depending on the state you operate in.
  • All other information is pulled from the Edit Inventory page. To add or edit inventory information, select a Product and go to its Inventory tab. Select Actions > Edit, or select the barcode (SKU) number.

Why is the Product name missing from my Package label?

The package label does not use what you've entered in the product's Name field, rather, it uses the Strain field. If you have a label that is missing the strain name in the upper left corner, find the product in Back Office and fill in the Strain field.

This way you can use your own internal naming convention without printing irrelevant information on the label. For instance, you may choose to name a product "Blue Dream 1g Pre-Rolls (Top Shelf)" but only the strain name "Blue Dream" will print on the label.

Why is information on my label overprinting/looking jumbled?

This may be due to your entries being over the character limit that the label can accept for a given field. Check the inventory details and see if there appears to be an especially long Cultivator Name, for example, and see if there's any way you can abbreviate it. Otherwise, contact Greenbits Support for help.