Use this guide to troubleshoot and resolve problems you may experience with your Back Office label printer.

Back Office label printing requires a desktop or laptop computer and Google Chrome, and is not supported on iPads, other tablets, or browsers other than Chrome.

Separate guides are also available for Register label printer troubleshooting and Weigh Station troubleshooting.

Review Set up your network for reliable operations and make sure your network setup meets the recommendations.


"Printer not found" message


If you see this message when trying to print labels from Back Office, make sure you're using Google Chrome, then follow the instructions for setting up your Back Office label printer.


Print Package Label option is not displayed

When printing labels from Back Office, if you don't see a Print Package Label option, this indicates one or more of the following:


Not printing labels

  1. Check the light(s) on your printer to make sure it's ready to print labels:
  2. Perform a test print:
    • Zebra ZD410: Press and hold the feed and cancel buttons for 2 seconds:
    • Zebra GX420d: Press and hold the feed button until the green light flashes once, then release.
  3. A Network Configuration label prints. Note the IP ADDRESS.


Troubleshoot the physical connections

  1. Make sure the Ethernet cable is securely connected to the port on the back of the printer.
  2. Make sure the Ethernet cable is also securely connected to your network switch, or to a LAN port or numbered port on your router.
  3. Check the full length of the Ethernet cable for signs of wear or damage, or try using a different cable.
  4. Reboot the printer and try test printing again. If the IP address is once again all zeros, reset the printer.


Troubleshoot the computer's connection to your network

If your computer and label printer are not on the same network, you can't print labels from Back Office.

To confirm whether your computer and label printer are on the same network:

  1. Find the local IP address of your computer:
  2. Compare the first three sets of numbers in the IP addresses. The last set of numbers should be different for each device.
    • Ignore any leading zeros on the Network Configuration label. For example, if the Network Configuration label reads, this is the same as
    • If your computer's IP address also starts with the same three sets of numbers, in this case, the printer and computer are on the same network. Connect the printer in Label Printer Settings
    • If your computer and printer are not on the same network, switch your computer to the correct Wi-Fi network, or reset the printer and try again.
    • If the computer and printer are still not on the same network, reboot your router and/or network switch (this will temporarily disrupt your connection to the internet and any other printers on your network), or contact an IT professional for further assistance.


Connect the printer in the Greenbits Label Printing App

Once you have your label printer and computer connected to the same network:

  1. In Back Office, select the Settings gear > Label Printer.
  2. A Greenbits Printer App pop-up window appears.
    • If your computer and printer are connected to the same network, the printer's IP address will appear. Select Set As Default, and then Test Print.
      gb_label printing app w connected printer.png
    • If no printer appears automatically, or you want to connect to a different printer, select the gear in the upper right. Enter the IP Address from your Network Configuration label, leaving out any leading zeros. For example, if the label reads, enter Enter the port number 9100. Select Add Device.
      gb_label printing app_manually add device.png
    • Select Set Default, then Test Print.
  3. A test label with the barcode *1234567812345678* prints. Once you have connected your printer to your computer, you're ready to start printing labels.
  4. Make sure the label printing app is always running in the background. Closing the app will disconnect your label printer from the Back Office. You can relaunch the app any time by going to Settings > Label Printer in the Back Office, or you can set the app to automatically open every time you log in to your computer:
    • Mac: right-click the app in your Dock and Options > Open at Login.

      gb label printer mac open at login.png

    • Windows: Go to Start > Settings > Apps > Startup and then select the toggle for Greenbits Printer App to turn it On.


Alignment and sizing issues

Recalibrate your printer if labels are misaligned or not printing in the correct size or orientation. This is often required after changing label rolls, especially when switching between different label sizes.


Frequent disconnections

Set your label printer to a static IP address. This prevents your router from reassigning a different IP address to your label printer after it reboots or loses power, and helps maintain a stable connection. Learn how to set your label printer to a static IP address.


Labels have random, illegible text

If you get a label with random, illegible text instead of the expected product or patient information, reset your label templates.


Labels are blank, discolored, or have gaps

If you're getting blank labels:

  1. Make sure the label roll is loaded correctly, with labels face-up and the lead of the roll tucked under the plastic guides (ZD410 shown):
  2. Next, make sure you're using thermal labels.
    • You can check this by scratching a label with the edge of a coin or another metal object. This should leave a light gray mark on the label.
    • If there's no mark, replace the roll with thermal labels.
  3. If labels are still blank, reset your label templates.

If labels are blackened or discolored, the label roll may have been exposed to excessive heat.

  1. Change to a new roll. 
  2. Make sure label rolls are stored in a cool, dry location.
  3. Make sure the printer is located away from heat sources.
    • On ZD410 printers, a steady yellow or orange status light yellow_status.jpg or flashing red status and pause lights flashing_red_status_pause.jpg indicate the printer is overheating. Turn off the printer immediately and allow it to cool.

If there are gaps or white lines on your labels:

  1. Turn the printer off and allow it to cool for several minutes.
  2. Carefully clean the thermal print head with isopropyl alcohol and a cotton swab or soft cloth.
  3. Wait for the alcohol to dry completely before turning the printer back on.


Labels print with incorrect or missing information

If Greenbits has informed you of an update to your state's labels, but the update is not reflected when you print labels, reset your label templates.

Otherwise, see what to do if your labels are missing information.


Status lights

If you're unable to resolve any of the issues outlined below, contact Zebra Support.





  1. Printer is off/not receiving power.
  2. Printer is on and in an idle state. No action necessary.
  3. Printer requires service. Contact Zebra Support.
  4. Printer is receiving data.
  5. Printer is out of labels, or the top is not closed. Load labels and/or securely close the top, then press the feed button to resume normal operation.
  6. Printer is paused. Press the feed button to resume normal operation.
  7. Printhead is over temperature. Printing will stop until the printhead cools to an acceptable printing temperature. When it does, the printer will resume operation.
  8. Memory error. Contact Zebra Support.
  9. Printhead or motor has had a critical failure. Contact Zebra Support.
  10. Printer is defragmenting memory. Do not turn off the printer. Allow it to finish defragmenting.


Printer reset

To reset your printer to factory defaults:

ZD410: Using a paperclip, press and hold the reset button on the bottom of the printer for 1-5 seconds:

GX420d: Press and hold the feed button on the top of the printer until you see a four light flashes in a row.