Configure your taxes before you start setting up the prices on your account.

If you need to schedule a change for an existing tax, see Change or End a Tax.

After making changes to your tax settings in the Back Office, be sure to refetch data on all registers so your changes are reflected at the point of sale.

Greenbits does not provide tax advice. Merchants using Greenbits products should determine their tax responsibilities by utilizing their own tax advisors. Greenbits provides tools that calculate taxes in many optional configurations. Greenbits does not and cannot ensure that tax calculations in Greenbits products are correctly configured. Configuring taxes is exclusively the responsibility of the merchant.


Before you set up your taxes

If your state or region requires compounding taxes, learn how to Configure compounding taxes before you create taxes.

Add a new tax

  1. Go to Settings > Taxes.
  2. Select Add Tax.
  3. Give the tax a descriptive Name.
  4. California only: Select a Metrc Tax Type. The options here correspond to Metrc's tax categories.gb_metrc_tax_type.png
  5. Select whether this tax should apply to Marijuana Only.
  6. If applicable, select whether this is a Compound tax or a Standard tax. This option is only shown in states that require compound taxes.
  7. Specify which Product Types and Customer Groups this tax applies to by checking the appropriate boxes in the Product Types & Customer Groups table.
  8. Scroll down to the What is the tax rate? field and enter your tax rate as a percentage. For instance, if the sales tax is 7.5%, enter 7.5, not 0.075.
  9. Select whether this tax should be included in the display price of your products:
    • Yes: The tax is inclusive, meaning it is built into the display price and the prices shown on menu feeds.
    • No: The tax is exclusive, meaning the display price and menu feed prices will not include this tax, and the tax is only added at the Register.
      • In some states, if you select No and make your tax exclusive, you also need to specify if the tax applies to the discounted or undiscounted sell price. Select Discounted to apply this tax after all discounts are applied. Select Undiscounted to apply this tax before any discounts are applied.
    • Learn more about inclusive vs. exclusive taxes.
  10. Set the Start Date the tax will go into effect.
  11. Leave the End Date listed as Never. You will add an end date only if the tax rate changes or if this tax is eliminated.
  12. Scroll back up to the top of the page and select Save.

Preview your taxes

Select Show Preview to see an example of how your taxes would be calculated on a hypothetical Product with a $10.00 Base Price. Use this to confirm whether your taxes are correctly configured before you start making sales.

What's next?

If your taxes change, learn how to change or end a tax.