Set your personal notification preferences in Email Settings - Greenbits
This article applies to Greenbits.
Greenbits gives you the option to receive notifications to the email address you entered on your User profile.
You can enable or disable each of the following notifications in Back Office under Settings > Email Settings.
Reorder Notifications
This is a daily email that lists every Product that has quantities below the Par Level specified on the Product's Inventory tab or at the Product Type level. Enable this notification if you are responsible for ordering inventory and want to know what Products are close to running out.
Clean Up Notifications
If a Barcode (SKU) has had zero quantity and no sales, returns, voids, or adjustments for 120 days, Greenbits automatically changes the Barcode's (SKU's) status to Not For Sale. Enable this notification if you want to receive an email every time Greenbits does this.
Learn more about automated inventory cleanup.
Monthly Tax Report
You can access your Monthly Tax Report any time in Back Office. Enable this notification to also receive Monthly Tax Reports via email.
State Reporting Failures
Learn more about receiving emails with information on reporting issues and how to fix them.