There are two permissions in the Back Office that allow a user to skip sales warnings when using the Register: the skip sales warning permission and the skip sales below zero warning permission. Both are described in more detail here: Default roles and permissions.

When assigning these permissions to roles, consider that the skip sales warning permission is much more powerful than the skip sales below zero warning permission. The skip sales warning permission allows users to override several different sales warnings related to compliance, while the below zero warning only allows users to override a sale that will cause your inventory to go into the negative.

We recommend that you assign these permissions to roles in a way that is equivalent to the responsibility that the role entails. For example, you might assign permissions as follows:

  • Budtender role:
    • neither skip sales below zero warning nor skip sales warning
  • Shift lead role:
    • skip sales below zero warning
  • Supervisor default role:
    • skip sales below zero warning
    • skip sales warning
  • Admin default role:
    • skip sales below zero warning
    • skip sales warning

However you ultimately assign these permissions will depend on the level of oversight each role has in your business. We recommend that there is always someone on staff who can input the override for budtenders.