Inclusive vs. Exclusive Taxes for Greenbits - Greenbits
This article applies to Greenbits.
When you set up taxes in Greenbits, you decide if you want taxes to be inclusive or exclusive. To figure out which one is right for your store, ask yourself if you want taxes to be included in the price displayed to customers or if you want taxes to be applied when customers check out at the Register.
- Inclusive taxes are built into the Sell Price/Display Price and the prices shown on Menu Feeds.
- Exclusive taxes are not included in the Sell Price/Display Price or prices shown on Menu Feeds. These taxes are added at the point of sale.
You can change the Inclusive (Yes/No) setting on each of your tax rates by adding a new rate schedule (see Change or End a Tax). However:
- Changing a tax from Inclusive to Exclusive or vice-versa will also change the out-the door prices of all associated items.
- Taxes should also never be changed while you have any open drawers on your Registers.
For these reasons, it's highly recommended to contact Greenbits Support for assistance before making this change.
When you change an existing tax from Inclusive to Exclusive, you also change the sell price of all associated Products.
For example, with an Inclusive 20% tax this Product has a $10.00 Base Price, and is $12.00 with tax:
If we change the 20% tax to Exclusive, $12.00 becomes the Base Price, and the price with tax becomes $14.40:
If you need to make this change to your tax settings but want to keep your prices the same, please contact Greenbits Support for assistance.