To change or end a tax, you update the Tax's Rate Schedule:

  • If one of your taxes is changing, you can change it by adding a new Rate Schedule to it.
  • If you no longer need to collect one of your taxes, end it by adding an End Date to the Tax's Rate Schedule.
  • After making changes to your tax settings in the Back Office, be sure to refetch data on all registers so your changes are reflected at the point of sale.
  • If you need to add a new tax, see Set up Taxes.

Greenbits does not provide tax advice. Merchants using Greenbits products should determine their tax responsibilities by utilizing their own tax advisors. Greenbits provides tools that calculate taxes in many optional configurations. Greenbits does not and cannot ensure that tax calculations in Greenbits products are correctly configured. Configuring taxes is exclusively the responsibility of the merchant.


Before you change or end a tax

  • Do not make changes to your tax rates while you have open drawers. Close drawers before changing taxes!
  • Do not enter a rate of 0% – this will cause your Registers to crash!
  • For each of your taxes, the dates of your Rate Schedules cannot overlap. If they do, you will not be able to save your Rate Schedule.

Change an existing tax

If one of your tax rates is changing, add a new Rate Schedule to your tax.

  1. Select the tax you want to update.
  2. Scroll down to the Rate Schedule section and select Add Schedule.
  3. Enter the new Rate.
  4. Specify whether this should be an Inclusive tax or Exclusive tax.
    • If you change an existing tax from Inclusive to Exclusive, or from Exclusive to Inclusive, this will also change the sell price of Products. If want to change this tax setting without affecting your sell prices, contact Greenbits Support for assistance.
  5. Set the Start Date the tax will go into effect. The change will take effect at 12:00 am (midnight) on this date.
  6. Set the End Date to Never.
  7. Scroll down to the previous Rate Schedule and set the End Date to the day before the Start Date of your new schedule. This will set the previous Rate Schedule to expire at 11:59:59 pm on that date.
  8. Scroll back up to the top of the page and select Save.

If you need to make tax rate changes effective immediately:

  1. End all drawers first.
  2. In the Rate Schedule section, set the current Rate Schedule's End Date to yesterday's date and the new Rate Schedule's Start Date to today's date.
  3. Select Save.
  4. Force-quit and re-launch each Register app.
  5. Start a new drawer on each Register. 

End a tax

In order to save your historical tax data, Greenbits doesn't allow you to delete taxes. Instead, schedule a tax to end:

  1. Select the tax you want to end.
  2. In the Rate Schedule section, change the current schedule's End Date to the last date the tax will be applicable. The tax will end automatically at 11:59:59 pm on that date.
  3. Scroll back up to the top of the page and select Save.

If you need to end a tax immediately:

  1. End all open drawers.
  2. In the Rate Schedule section, change the current schedule's End Date to yesterday's date.
  3. Select Save.
  4. Force-quit and re-launch each Register app.
  5. Start a new drawer on each Register.

View or hide past taxes

By default, taxes that are no longer in effect are hidden from view. To view these past taxes, select Show Archived. To hide them again, select Hide Archived.