View your own user profile in Back Office by selecting Settings > Account. 

If you have Manage users permissions, you can view other users' profiles under Settings > Users.

If you make any changes to your user profile, be sure to enter your Current password and select Save Account Settings:


Here's more information about the account settings in user profiles:

Username Users use this to log in to Back Office (if you grant them access to Back Office) and can also use this to sign in to the Register.
First and Last Name

This information displays in the Register and in Back Office.

If you ring a sale on the Register, your First Name appears on receipts.

  • Greenbits sends reports to this email address, if a user requests them, and automated inventory notifications.
  • Greenbits also uses this email address for password verification and can be used as an alternate way to log in to Back Office or the register.
  • The email address must be unique across all of Greenbits. This means that, if you are adding users who worked at another company that also used Greenbits, their email address is already in the Greenbits system. To work around this, add a +1 and the name of your store to the email address. For example, if the original email address is, enter
Password The user uses this password to log in to Back Office. This can also be used at the register. Once created, users can change their own password.
Role You can change the user's role to an existing role or create a new role.

Select the regenerate button pin_regen_button.jpg to generate a new 4-digit Pin for signing into the Register.

You'll see "A new pin will be generated..." until you select Save. The new Pin is shown only after you select Save. 

Driver info In preparation for a more robust delivery feature, you can add driver’s license and car information to User profiles. Learn more about adding delivery driver info.
Accessible Locations Select all of the Locations that you want this user to access. They will use the same username, password, and Pin for all locations. You must select at least one location.