If you report your cannabis sales to your state through Metrc, follow this guide to receive cannabis inventory into Greenbits so you can sell it from your Register. For more information, see the Receive inventory overview.

Accept manifests in Metrc

  1. Log in to your Metrc account and view your manifests.
  2. Make sure each Package reflects the unit of measure in which you will sell it, as you won't be able to change this later. If not, change the unit of measure before accepting the manifest, or ask the vendor to re-do the manifest and correct the unit(s) of measure. For example:
    • Bulk flower should typically be tracked and sold in grams.
    • Pre-packaged items such as pre-rolls, concentrates, extracts, or edibles should typically be tracked and sold as units/each.
  3. Accept the manifest.
  4. Wait about 5-15 minutes.

Receive inventory in Greenbits

  1. In the Greenbits Back Office, go to Inventory > Incoming.
  2. Look for manifests under the Accepted (Unassigned Lots) in the status drop-down, and select one.
    • If you waited longer than 15 minutes and you don't see a manifest under Accepted (Unassigned Lots), select Sync and then refresh your browser window to fetch new manifests.
    • Do not click Sync more than once! This could slow down the fetch process.

When you select and open the manifest, you'll see package IDs and inventory information for each of the items you ordered from the vendor.

Associate the items on your manifest with Products 

  1. For each package ID, select Search to associate it with a Product in Greenbits.
  2. Enter the Wholesale Cost Per Unit. This is the cost that you paid the vendor for each unit of an item, not the price that you will sell the item for in your store.
  3. Quantity Received auto-populates based on information pulled from Metrc.
  4. Choose an inventory Status.
  5. Enter an Expiration Date, if applicable.
  6. If you need to create barcodes (SKUs), select the Create button under Barcode (SKU).
    • For non-marijuana Products, Greenbits automatically assigns the same barcode (SKU) that was used the last time you received inventory for that Product.
    • For marijuana Products, Greenbits automatically assigns a new, unique barcode (SKU). If you want to reuse the same barcode (SKU) assigned to previously received inventory of the same Product (such as a manufacturer barcode that's already on the packaging), you can edit the Barcode (SKU) field and enter your preferred barcode (SKU).
    • To print barcode labels, make sure your label printer is connected and then select the barcode button.
    • You can also print barcode labels later.
    • Learn more about barcodes.
  7. Select More Package Detail to enter more information about the inventory you're receiving so it prints on package labels. You can also enter this information later:
    • Test Results and Lab information
    • Terpenes
    • Pesticides
    • Ingredients
    • Cultivator information
    • Harvest Lot Number
    • Harvest Date
    • Packaged Date
    • Packager information
    • Certificate Of Analysis
    • Process Disclosure
    • "Use By" Date (Colorado only)
      Greenbits more package detail.png
  8. When you're done, verify the Total Cost at the top of the page and then Save.
Tip: You can save your work in progress by selecting Save. When you are ready to finish the manifest, look for it in Incoming under the Accepted (Unassigned Lots) status.

Setting inventory status from a manifest

  • If you have enabled Places, you can set a Package's status from the manifest on initial intake. After intake, organize and move your inventory from Places, and do not attempt to change Package statuses from the manifest.
  • If you set a status of Not For Sale/Back Stock on a manifest, then later change the Package's status to For Sale/Sales Floor from the Products page, the manifest will still show the status as Not For Sale/Back Stock. Saving the manifest again will change the Package's status back to Not For Sale/Back Stock on the Products page as well.

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