You can set Products and barcodes (SKUs) to For Sale, Not For Sale, or Archived to prevent old, sold-out, or back-stock barcodes (SKUs) from appearing on the Register.

Set an inventory status on a Product

  1. To change the inventory status for a Product, go to Inventory > Products.
  2. Select the Product.
  3. Select the inventory status you want from the drop-down at the top of the page.


When you set the status of a Product to Archived:

  • Greenbits hides the Product from Menu Feeds.
  • Greenbits hides the Product from search results (unless you change the Status filter to view Archived Products).

When you set the status of a Product to For Sale:

  • Greenbits shows the Product in search results (unless you change the Status filter to hide For Sale Products)
  • Greenbits shows the Product on Menu Feeds (unless excluded by other Menu Feed filters)

When you set the status of a Product to Not For Sale:

  • Greenbits hides the Product from Menu Feeds.
  • Greenbits hides the Product from search results (unless you change the Status filter to view Not For Sale Products).

Set an Inventory status on a Barcode (SKU)


  1. To change the inventory status for a Barcode (SKU), go to Inventory > Products.
  2. Select the Product.
  3. Select the Inventory tab.
  4. Find the barcode (SKU) you want to change.
  5. Select the inventory status you want from the drop-down next to the barcode (SKU).

When you set the status of a barcode (SKU) to Archived:

  • Greenbits hides it from the Register so budtenders can't search, scan, or sell it.
  • Greenbits does not list the barcode (SKU) in quick audits.

When you set the status of a barcode (SKU) to For Sale, the barcode (SKU) is searchable, scannable, and sellable in the Register.

When you set the status of a barcode (SKU) to Not For Sale, Greenbits hides it from the Register so budtenders can't search, scan, or sell it.

What's the difference between Archived and Not For Sale?

Use Archived for discontinued items that you won't sell or stock in the future. Archived Products and barcodes (SKUs) do not appear in quick audits.

Use Not For Sale for items that are in back stock, or items that have been temporarily pulled from the sales floor but will be offered for sale again in the future. If you receive more inventory of a Product that you still have in your inventory, mark the new inventory as Not For Sale to make sure that your budtenders sell the oldest inventory first.

Automatic inventory status management

Greenbits has an automatic inventory clean-up feature that marks a barcode (SKU) as Not For Sale when it has had 0 quantity and no activity for 120 days. This reduces the amount of inventory the Register has to load when you first sign in for the day, which helps improve the Register app's overall performance.

For even better Register performance, consider turning on Prevent Sales When Quantity Reaches 0, which marks a barcode (SKU) as Not For Sale as soon as a budtender sells the last unit.