Create charges and fees in Greenbits
This article applies to Greenbits.
If you need to charge your customers fees such as for printing medical cards, bottle deposits, exit bags, or any other charge for something other than physical inventory, use the procedure below.
- Create a new Product Type
- Create a new Product Type for charges and fees, or separate Product Types for each type of charge or fee, by going to Inventory > Product Types > + Add Product Type. Set Is Marijuana to No.
- Assign this product to the Product Type you've just created, and name it accordingly.
- Next select Pricing, and enter either a flat amount that you want to charge for, or select Price At Register to allow budtenders to enter an amount. Select Save.
- Add new inventory
- Before this fee item will be available in the Register, we'll need to add "quantity" to this item according to these steps.
- Add a large Quantity Received such as 10000 - enough that you'll likely never need to add more quantity in order to continue applying this fee. Use $0.00 as your Wholesale Cost Per Unit to avoid inaccurate profit reporting.