To use this feature, you must have the View package history events permission.

Package/Lot History is your window into the events that occur within each of your Packages/Lots. In addition to general information about what action was taken on a Package/Lot and when, you can also view notes for each event. These notes are generated automatically by Greenbits and give you insight into dates/times, customers, budtenders, and adjustment reasons related to actions on a Package/Lot.

Notes will be generated when:

  • A Package/lot is:
    • Received
  • When a quantity of the Package/Lot is:
    • Assigned
    • Converted
    • Sold
    • Voided/Returned
    • Adjusted
    • Split
    • Merged
  • A sale is Reassigned.
  • Or when a SKU is Adjusted.

Notes are not generated when a Package/Lot is Closed, Opened, or Transferred. 

To view Package/Lot History notes, you must:

  1. Go to Packages or Lots.
  2. Select the Package/Lot that you wish to view.
  3. Any event with a note will have a sticky note icon.
  4. To view the note, select the icon.
  5. To close the icon, select the X.
