Set up your store to sell gift cards
This article applies to Greenbits.
If your store offers gift cards or gift certificates, first be sure to enable Gift Cards in Back Office, then refer to the steps below to set up and sell gift cards.
Greenbits does not support electronic gift card processing or liabilities reporting.
Create a Product for gift cards
In order to sell a gift card at the register, first create a Product for it:
- Create a new Product Type specifically for gift cards, and make it non-marijuana and non-taxable.
- Go to Inventory > Products, then select + Add Product.
- Set Unit of Measure to units.
- Add a name and any other desired information in the Details tab, then select the Pricing tab.
- Select Price At Register, so customers can specify how much they want to add to a gift card at the time of purchase.
- Select Save.
Add quantity of the gift cards to your Greenbits inventory
Receive the gift cards as a non-marijuana item in order to add quantity to your inventory. Once you have quantity of the gift cards in your inventory, you will be able to sell it from the Register.
What's next?
Tip: Print a barcode for gift cards and keep it near the point of sale so budtenders can easily scan it just like any other item
Your budtenders can sell gift cards and then accept them as payment.