If you have Manual State Link, use this article about splitting instead.

Splitting a Package (also commonly known as "retagging") is a required step before you transfer any inventory to another location. Learn more about when and why you should split Packages.

Steps in Metrc

There are important steps to do in Metrc before splitting a Package in Greenbits:

  1. Check the Package you'll be splitting and make sure that:
  2. Go to Admin > Tags > Open > Available and copy the first available Package ID to your clipboard. You'll also need the corresponding physical Metrc RFID tag.



Steps in Greenbits 

Once you've completed the above steps, you're ready to split inventory in Greenbits

  1. Go to Inventory > Packages.
  2. Search for the Package ID you'll be splitting, then select Actions > Split for Return or Transfer.
  3. If the Package has more than one SKU with available quantity, select the Source SKU that you want to pull from. 
  4. Paste the new Package ID from Metrc into the Destination Package ID field in Greenbits.
    • Package IDs are case-sensitive. Make sure all letters in the Package ID are capitalized.
  5. Enter the Quantity you want to split onto the new Package, and select OK.
  6. Confirm the accuracy of your entries, then select Looks Good. This completes the split and reports it to Metrc.

Splitting a Packages with Places

When you perform a split on a Package when you have inventory in Places, then inventory will be subtracted from the original Package in a specific way. Inventory will be subtracted first from Back Stock, then Sales Floor, and then from Quarantine. Because the Delivery place has been skipped, this may create a negative quantity in the Quarantine place.

For example:

  1. Package A has a quantity of 10:  4 in Back Stock, 3 on Sales Floor, and 3 in Delivery.
  2. You create a split 8 for a new Package. 4 is subtracted from Back Stock, 3 is Subtracted from Sales Floor. Although there is quantity in Delivery, this is skipped and instead 1 will be subtracted from Quarantine.
  3. The final quantities in Package A are 3 in Delivery and -1 in Quarantine.

What's next?

  1. If you split the entire remaining quantity of the original Package, immediately change the status the SKU(s) to Not For Sale. If you have Prevent Sales When Quantity Reaches 0 enabled, this happens automatically.
  2. If you plan to transfer the new Package, change its status to Not For Sale as well. 
  3. Physically separate the split-off inventory into a new container, along with the new RFID tag.
  4. The new Package is available in your Greenbits inventory immediately, and is assigned to the same Product as your original Package. Before taking any further action on the original Package or new Package, confirm that the split was successfully reported in Metrc. This may take up to 30 minutes.
  5. If you split the entire remaining quantity of the original Package, you should now close it in Greenbits. This also finishes the Package in Metrc. 

If you plan to transfer the new Package to another location, you're now ready to transfer inventory in Metrc.