From the State Link page, you can view and fix reporting failures, right in Greenbits. If someone at your store fixed a reporting failure outside of Greenbits, you can skip the reporting failure on the State Link page.

Important: If you skip a reporting failure, Greenbits will never report those sales or adjustments to Metrc.

Why should I skip a reporting failure?

  • You should only skip a reporting failure if you collaborated with Metrc directly to fix it outside of Greenbits.
  • Do not skip a reporting failure just to clear it from your State Link page.

What happens when I skip a reporting failure?

  • Greenbits will not report the sales and adjustments associated to the reporting failure to Metrc.
  • The sales and adjustments associated with the reporting failure are saved in Greenbits.
  • Skipping a reporting failure does not delete or undo sales or adjustments in Greenbits.
  • Metrc will reflect any updates you made when you fixed the reporting failure outside of Greenbits. Skipping a reporting failure will not further update Metrc.

How do I skip a reporting failure?

From the State Link page, select the skip icon next to the reporting failures that you want to skip.
