How to Fix Closed Packages that still have Quantity in Metrc - Greenbits
This article applies to Greenbits.
This is for stores in states that use Metrc. If you have the State Reporting Failures Email Setting turned on, Greenbits sends you emails about reporting failures and how to solve them.
If you have a Closed Packages that still have quantity in Metrc reporting failure, you can fix it by comparing your Greenbits quantity to your quantity-on-hand.
Action Greenbits took on your behalf
- Adjusted your Greenbits quantity to match the Metrc quantity.
- Reopened the Package in Greenbits.
Action you need to take next
In Greenbits, go to Inventory > Packages and compare your Greenbits quantity to your quantity-on-hand.
If you have quantity-on-hand that matches the quantity in Greenbits, you can sell it as normal. Close the Package in Greenbits when it is sold out.
If you have 0 quantity-on-hand, adjust the quantity in Greenbits to 0 and close the Package in Greenbits.
If you have quantity on hand that does not match the quantity in Greenbits, adjust the Package in Greenbits to match the quantity on hand. Sell the rest of the Package as normal. Close the Package in Greenbits when it is sold out.
How can I keep this from happening again?
You can keep this from happening again by developing and sticking to a regular auditing schedule.