Do not convert bulk flower into pre-rolls by converting in Greenbits. Per the MMRA, if you want to create your own pre-rolls from bulk flower, you must split the bulk flower and assign it to the correct item type in Metrc.

IMPORTANT: This workflow requires you to split packages in Metrc. This will cause discrepancies between Greenbits and Metrc. Use the Package Reconciliation tool to resolve these discrepancies.

Prepare your inventory

Mark the bulk flower barcodes (SKUs) that you are converting into pre-rolls as Not For Sale. This is temporary so your staff does not sell from it while you are completing this process.

Split in Metrc

In Metrc, create a new package for the quantity that you want to convert to pre-rolls. Make sure you select the correct pre-roll type in Metrc. Reach out to Metrc if you have questions about which item type to use.

Greenbits automatically pulls the new package in as a new manifest under Incoming.

Accept the pre-roll inventory in Greenbits

  1. In Greenbits, receive the new pre-roll package.
  2. Associate it to a unit-based Pre-Roll Product.

Use the Package Reconciliation tool to sync

When you converted pre-rolls in the past, you needed to Contact Greenbits Support for a Metrc sync. Thanks to the new Package Reconciliation tool, you can self-service this operation.

Mark the original bulk flower as For Sale

If there is bulk flower left in the original package that you want to sell as bulk flower, mark the original bulk flower package as For Sale in Greenbits.