Enable Places to organize your inventory - Greenbits
This article applies to Greenbits.
Enable Places feature
To have the ability to work with Places, you must have the Manage Places permission. Manage Places is enabled by default for admins. See this article for more information about roles and permissions.
- In the Greenbits Back Office, go to Settings
> Manage Places or Products > Manage Places
- Select Enable Places. A pop-up with let you know how long this process will take.
- Greenbits automatically organizes your existing inventory items like this:
Inventory items with this status: Automatically move to: Archived Archived Place Not For Sale Back Stock Place Locked Quarantine Place On Hold Ready for Pickup/Delivery Place For Sale
Sales Floor Place
You are directed to the Manage Places page, where you'll see a breakdown of your Places:
- Place Name: The physical location of the inventory.
- Inventory Status: Whether the items are available for sale at the Register and/or on Menu Feeds.
- Quantity: How many Products you have in each Place. Select to view those Products.
Important notes
Barcode (SKU) status no longer visible or editable after you enable places. This is what it looks like when Places is disabled:
This is what status looks like when Places is enabled: - All inventory must be in a Place: an inventory item can only be in one Place at a time.
- At the Barcode (SKU) level, each Place can have a specific quantity of a specific inventory item. A Barcode (SKU) can have its quantity split between two or more places.