Inventory audits: weight-based inventory - Greenbits
This article applies to Greenbits.
Regularly audit your weight-based inventory to make sure your physical inventory matches your Greenbits inventory. If there is a discrepancy, you can make an adjustment before you confirm your audit. For more information, see Inventory audits: overview and best practices.
Schedule your audit
Before you continue, you should have already scheduled your audit.
Export your current weights from Greenbits
- Go to Inventory > Products.
- From Filters, select the Product Type and/or Vendor that you're auditing. It's best to limit your audit to no more than 500 barcodes (SKUs).
- Select Export > Inventory.
- You'll receive an email containing a .csv attachment containing all barcodes (SKUs) that match the filters you selected.
Prepare the .csv file
- Open the .csv file that you were emailed.
- Delete all columns except Barcode (SKU), Quantity on Hand, and Product Name columns. To delete a column, right-click the column header and select Delete.
Weigh your inventory and enter the weights
- Weigh the inventory you are auditing.
- If the weight under Quantity on Hand matches the weight you have in your store for a Barcode (SKU), do not make any changes. If it is different, change the weight in Quantity on Hand to what you weighed.
If you are using this process to hand-count unit-based inventory, Quantity on Hand should match the number of units you count.
- When you are done with all of the items on the spreadsheet, delete the Product Name column and the column headers in row 1. You are left with a list showing Barcodes (SKUs)/lots/package IDs in column A and current Quantity on Hand in column B. The rest of the sheet must be empty.
Greenbits automatically ignores all non-numerical characters in the sheet, so there's no need to delete "g", "oz," or the apostrophe in front of the Barcode (SKU). - Save the spreadsheet as a .csv. Other file formats, such as .xlsx, cannot be read by the Greenbits audit tool.
Upload and confirm your audit
To finish your audit, upload and confirm the information you collected during you audit.