If you want to view inventory by Places, you can:

  1. Click on the Products from the Manage Places page.
  2. Or you can go to Inventory > Products and filter by Place. The default is All Places.
  3. You can sort by Quantity. In the Quantity column you can see where your inventory is located and how much inventory is in that Place. Any quantity that is available For Sale will be highlighted, while grayed out quantities indicates inventory in Places that is not available for sale on the Register or Menu Feeds.
    • Note: if there aren't any Places displayed in the Quantity column, this means there is zero quantity.2021-06-24_12-12-05.png
  4. From here, you can click on a product to see more details. Select Inventory. The default filter is Sales Floor.
  5. You can sort the results by the quantity and by received date. If the arrow is pointing down, you have sorted from least to most recently received inventory. If the arrow is point up, you have sorted from most recently received inventory to the least recently received inventory.  2021-06-24_12-16-42.png