Cannot adjust errors

You might see this error after uploading your audit file, indicating one or more of the following:

  • The barcode (SKU) in the audit document does not match any barcode (SKU) in your Greenbits inventory
  • The barcode (SKU) in the audit document does not match the Vendor or Product Type filter you set for this audit.
  • The barcode (SKU) in the audit document has been transferred out. For Washington users, this may indicate that the barcode (SKU) in question is included on a pending return manifest, but hasn't actually been transferred yet.

How to resolve:

Hover your mouse over the Can't adjust error for additional details. This will tell you the specific reason the barcode (SKU) can't be adjusted.

If the barcode (SKU) does not exist in your Greenbits inventory

  • Check that the barcode (SKU) on the product's barcode label matches the barcode (SKU) in Back Office.
  • Check to make sure the barcode (SKU) in your audit document is free of special characters such as ~, #, +, %, etc. Periods (.) and apostrophes (') are allowed.
  • Check that the barcode (SKU) on the label matches the barcode (SKU) in the audit document itself, to make sure the scanner is correctly reading and populating the barcode (SKU) into the document as you scan, and that your word processing document isn't applying any auto-formatting that alters the barcode (SKU).
  • Check that what you're scanning is the product's barcode (SKU), as opposed to its Package ID or Lot Number, which may or may not be the same as the barcode (SKU).
  • As appropriate, make corrections to resolve the above issues and re-upload your audit document, or remove the barcode (SKU) from the Audit Results by selecting the X button, then manually adjust the barcode (SKU) if needed.

If the barcode (SKU) does not match your Vendor or Product Type filters

  • Confirm that the barcode's (SKU's) associated Product is assigned to the correct Product Type
  • Confirm that the Vendor field on your audit and the Vendor field on the Product match exactly. For instance, if your audit is for Greenbits Farms but one of the Products has Greenbits Farm entered in the Vendor field, this will result in a Cannot adjust error.
  • As appropriate, make corrections to resolve the above issues and re-upload your audit document, or remove the barcode (SKU) from the Audit Results by selecting the X button, then manually adjust the barcode (SKU) if needed.

Failure to upload



If uploading your audit document yields no results, as shown above, this indicates:

  • The file format is something other than .csv or .txt
  • The file contains spaces, blank rows or cells, or special characters such as ~, #, +, %
  • If using a .csv, barcode (SKU) and Quantity on Hand column headers are still present (these headers should be deleted prior to uploading)

How to resolve:

  • If the file format is incorrect, re-open the document and then Save As > Plain Text (.txt) or Comma Separated Values (.csv)
  • Remove any blank rows, blank cells or spaces, and special characters. If the problem persists, or there doesn't appear to be any blanks or spaces in the document, try uploading the file to Google Docs or Google Sheets, then re-download as a new file.
  • Remove column headers from your .csv by right-clicking Row 1 and selecting Delete.

Inaccurate quantities reflected in the Counted column

If the quantity in the Counted column for a given barcode (SKU) does not match the quantity you have in your audit document, this indicates:

  • The file contains spaces, or blank rows or cells
  • In weight-based or hand-count audits, the barcode (SKU) may have been duplicated on multiple rows (with this style of audit, each barcode (SKU) should appear only once in column A, with its total quantity in column B).

How to resolve:

  • Remove any blank rows, blank cells, or spaces. If the problem persists, or there doesn't appear to be any blanks or spaces in the document, try uploading the file to Google Docs or Google Sheets, then re-download as a new file.
  • In weight-based or hand-count audits, check to see if any barcode (SKU) is duplicated on more than one row. If so, combine into one row with barcode (SKU) in column A and total quantity in column B.