Perform regular audits to ensure the physical inventory in the store matches the quantities in Greenbits.

There are two ways to audit in Greenbits:

  • Quick Audit: Greenbits recommends you start with a Quick audit. They are a great way to audit a section of your store.
  • Inventory Audit: Do an Inventory audit when you want to audit your entire store. This can be useful if your store had an issue with theft.

Develop a regular auditing schedule

  • Regular audits save you time and effort. It can prevent small discrepancies from becoming complicated compliance headaches down the road.
  • Develop a consistent schedule of auditing one or two Product Types each day during hours that you are less busy.
  • Audit Product Types with less inventory on busier days and products with more inventory on slower days.

How a Quick audit in Greenbits works

  • Filter the items you want to audit and print a list to refer to while weighing or counting.
  • Enter the amounts into Greenbits, review any adjustments, and save your audit.

How an Inventory audit in Greenbits works

  • You can hand count your inventory or scan each item to count it.
  • Record quantities in a text file (if scanning) or spreadsheet (if hand counting) and then upload it in Back Office.
  • Greenbits compares the inventory in your uploaded file against the quantities in Greenbits.

Things to keep in mind about audits

  • Make sure all Products under a Product Type have the same unit of measure.
  • Categorize weight-based flower and pre-pack flower under separate Product Types.
  • Convert to change weight-based inventory into units where appropriate.

Next steps

The process is different depending on the type of audit and what type of inventory you'll be auditing:

More audit information