Inventory Adjustment Report: Investigate Adjustments
This article applies to Greenbits.
This is a legacy report. Check out Adjustments Insight for enhanced reporting on this topic.
The Inventory Adjustment Report shows you a list of adjustments made in Greenbits for your store. You can use the Inventory Adjustment Report:
- To review and investigate adjustments, so you can correct adjustment mistakes.
- To investigate negative inventory.
- To make sure your staff is making adjustments properly.
You select a time period, and the report includes all adjustments made during that time. The report also includes information about what was adjusted, by how much, the adjustment reason note, and the username of the person who made the adjustment.
- Go to Insights > Inventory Adjustments - Export.
- Select a Start Date and an End Date.
- Select Run Report.
- When the report is ready, a Download button will appear. Select it to save the file to your computer. You can also download the report later from the Tasks page.