Reorder Suggestions: Estimate Stock Levels with Actionable Insights
This article applies to Greenbits.
You can use the Reorder Suggestions Insight to learn what products need to be reordered soon or to get an estimate of how long current stock levels will last. This gives you insight into data across all of your locations, so you can stay on top of the stock levels for your entire business.
The report shows current quantity on hand and sales over the time frame you selected. From this information, Greenbits estimates the Days Remaining, the approximate number of days that current stock levels will last. You can also see how long your product has been out of stock with Days Out of Stock.
- Go to Insights > Reorder Suggestions.
- Use the sliders to control how many Days of Sale to Consider and Min Days Out of Stock.
- Change the Location, Product Name, Brand, Vendor, Product Status, Product Type, and Minimum Quantity on Hand controls to further filter the results you see.
When using the case sensitive fields, the Enter key must be pressed in order to get search results.
The data returned includes:
- Location
- Product
- Quantity on Hand
- Days Remaining
- Days Out of Stock
- Days Since Last Received
- Sold Total
- Sold Per Day: The calculation for Sold Per Day is driven by the following equation - Quantity Sold / (Days to Sales to Consider Input - Days out of stock).
- Brand
- Vendor
- Product Type
- Product Status
If you choose to export this insight, the report will include all the data returned onscreen.
Why are some columns red?
Highlighting certain products in red helps you to see even more quickly when products should be reordered! If the values are less than zero in the Days Remaining and Quantity on Hand columns they will be highlighted with red to let you know that these products may be good candidates for reorder. This red highlight will also appear if the value is greater than zero in the Days Out of Stock column, meaning the product has been out of stock for at least one day.