Shifts Report: View a breakdown of all changes to a drawer
This article applies to Greenbits.
This is a legacy report. Check out Cash Drawer Insight for enhanced reporting on this topic.
You can see a breakdown of all changes made to a drawer by viewing the Shifts report. This is useful if your drawer does not balance and you want to investigate why, as well as other accounting purposes.
You need Manage shifts permissions to view the Shifts report in the Back Office.
View a Shift Report for one drawer
If you want to view information for one drawer, view the Shift report from the main reports page.
- Go to Insights > Shifts.
- Select a shift from the list.
- Select any of the totals for Paid In, Paid Out, or any tender type to view all Paid In and Paid Out changes.
Download a Shift Report for all drawers
You can download a Shifts Report that includes information for all shifts during the time period you enter. This can be helpful for looking at shift information for multiple days or weeks.
- Go to Insights > Shift Report - Export.
- Find the Shift Report.
- Select a Start Date and an End Date.
- Select Run Report.
- When the report is ready, a Download button will appear. Select it to save the file to your computer. You can also download the report later from the Tasks page.
Information included the Shifts Report
- The Opening Amount you entered when you started the drawer.
- Net Cash, or the total of all payments minus returns and voids. This includes all taxes.
- Total amounts Paid Out and Paid In. Select the green totals to view or edit individual Paid Outs and Paid Ins.
If you're viewing a Shift Report for a drawer that is still open, the Current Amount that should be in the drawer is shown.
Otherwise, Shift Reports for closed drawers show:
- The Closing Drop you entered when you ended the drawer. This is a negative number, shown in parentheses.
- The Left in Drawer amount you entered when you ended the drawer
- Over / Short, which should be $0.00.
- In the example below, the drawer has an overage of $71.90. This could be from sale(s) or Paid In(s) not entered into the Register. Or this could be because a cashier overcharged a customer or didn't give as much change as they should have.
- A drawer shortage appears as a negative number in parentheses. A shortage could be from a return or Paid Out that wasn't entered into the register, a cashier undercharging a customer or giving too much change, or theft.
Sales Breakdown
This is a detailed breakdown of your Sales (pre-tax), Discounts, Returns, and Taxes. The total of these amounts is your Total Tendered.
Tender Breakdown
This breaks down your Total Tendered by payment method.
Select any of the green totals to view the list of individual payments, including:
- Date and Time
- Receipt ID
- Account Type (payment method)
- Device (Register name)
- Employee (User who took the payment)
- Transaction Type (Sale, Return, or Void)
- Amount
Select a Receipt ID to see more details about that transaction including products purchased, discounts, total tax, and any change given.