Oregon: How to run your Quarterly Tax Report
This article applies to Greenbits.
Use the Oregon Quarterly Tax Report to help you file your required quarterly tax return with the Department of Revenue.
- About the Oregon Quarterly Tax Report
- Packages with Unknown Traceability Category
- Packages Sold as Weight in DOR Unit-Based Categories
- I received a weight-based Package that I converted to units. Why is it appearing as weight-based on my Quarterly-Tax Report but unit-based in the Audit Log and Metrc Package History?
- Information tab
- Excluded Sales tab
- How to run the report
Typically, you'll run this report at the end of each quarter. However, you can run the report for any time frame. For more details, see FAQ: Oregon Quarterly Tax Report.
About the Oregon Quarterly Tax Report
As required by the state of Oregon, this report shows your total sales by:
- Quantity.
- Quantities for Marijuana Flowers and Marijuana Leaves are shown in grams (g).
- Quantities for all other categories are shown in units/each.
- Dollar amount. All amounts reflect net sales.
- Medical (Tax Exempt) vs. Recreational (Non Tax Exempt).
- Category, based on each Package's assigned category in Metrc.
- Make sure you've correctly filled in the Weight field on all pre-roll Products. Otherwise, the totals reported for the Marijuana Leaves category will be inaccurate.
This report also includes information that can help you resolve potential issues and verify the accuracy of the data before you file your quarterly tax return.
Packages with Unknown Traceability Category
Greenbits can't identify what categories these Packages belong to because they have been transferred out of your Metrc inventory. Sales from these Packages are not included in the top section of the report.
Before you can submit your quarterly tax return, you'll need to manually categorize these items.
You can avoid these extra steps in the future if you always split Packages before transferring.
Packages Sold as Weight in DOR Unit-Based Categories
These Packages were sold in Greenbits as weight (grams), but belong to a category for which the Department of Revenue requires sales be reported in units/each. The dollar amount of these sales is included in the top section of the report, but the quantity is not.
Before you can submit your quarterly tax return, you'll need to manually convert the weight sold into units sold for each item listed here.
You can avoid these extra steps in the future if you:
- Only accept inventory in Metrc with the appropriate unit of measure (bulk flower as grams; pre-packaged items as units/each).
- Or, convert all non-flower items to units before selling them.
I received a weight-based Package that I converted to units. Why is it appearing as weight-based on my Quarterly-Tax Report but unit-based in the Audit Log and Metrc Package History?
Even if you convert a Package, it will display on the Quarterly Tax Report as the same type of Package that it was received as on the manifest. For example, if you receive bulk flower, convert and sell it as pre-rolls, it will appear on the Quarterly Tax Report as being sold as weight-based.
Information tab
This is a list of all Packages, sales, and quantities reflected in the report except for the Packages Sold as Weight in DOR Unit-Based Categories.
Excluded Sales tab
This shows sales that are included in other Greenbits reports, but are not included in the Oregon Quarterly Tax Report because they belong to a tax-exempt category, such as Hemp Cannabinoid Product.
You don't need to report these sales to the Department of Revenue. This list is included so you can verify that any discrepancy between the Oregon Quarterly Tax Report and other Greenbits sales reports is due to sales of items that are tracked in Metrc but are also tax-exempt.
How to run the report
If you have previously run this report on a monthly basis, run it again for the quarter instead of combining the monthly reports together.
- Go to Insights > Oregon Quarterly Tax Report - Export.
- Scroll to the bottom and find Oregon Quarterly Tax Report.
- Enter the Start Date and End Date of your reporting period.
- Select Run Report.
- When the report is ready, select Download, or download it later from the Tasks page.
- Open the downloaded .csv file in any spreadsheet program.
- If applicable, manually reconcile any sales from Packages with Unknown Traceability Category or Packages Sold as Weight in DOR Unit-Based Categories.
- Log in to Revenue Online and use the totals from the Oregon Quarterly Tax Report to complete your quarterly tax return.