Investigate and Edit a Sale on the Activity report
This article applies to Greenbits.
You can view sales activity by selecting Activity in the Back Office.
Investigate delivery sales
If you need to investigate which sales were marked as delivery at the Register, you can look on the Activity page.
- Go to Activity.
- Select Filter By and Delivery. In addition to the filters that are automatically available (Order Type, Receipt ID, Start and End Date), you can also filter by Customer, Employee, Shift ID, Order Total and Payment Type. You can see the Customer and Employee names right on the Activity list!
Select In Store if you only want to see activity that wasn't delivery.
- Select a sale.
- Look next to Order Type. If a sale was marked as delivery at the Register, you'll see DELIVERY.
You can also investigate delivery sales at the Register by going to the Activity screen, selecting a transaction, and looking for the Delivery field.
Edit a Sale
If a budtender enters the wrong payment amount or selects the wrong payment method, a store manager or admin can retroactively correct these mistakes to ensure accurate reporting.
You need Manage shifts permissions to edit a sale.
- Go to Activity and select a sale to edit.
- Select the Edit button.
- Edit the payment method and/or amount as needed.
- Select Save.