Accept payment in Greenbits
After you ring up items and apply any discounts or loyalty program rewards, accept payment from the customer to finish the sale. Customers can pay with cash, debit, or gift card.
Dutchie's payment processing solutions are also available to Greenbits users. Learn more or get in touch with Greenbits support to get started.
You cannot go back after you tap Tender! Make sure your payment methods are correct before selecting it. This finalizes the sale, though an admin user can edit the payment amount and payment method later.
Customer paying with cash
- Tap one of the cash amount buttons or tap Tender with Cash if the customer is paying exact change or another amount.
- Enter the amount of cash the customer paid you.
- Tap Tender.
- The amount of change you should return displays on the Issue Receipt page.
Customer wants to use multiple payment methods (Cash and Gift Card only)
- Tap Other Payments.
- Select a payment method.
- Enter the amount.
- Repeat for each of the payment methods.
- When you are done with all payment methods, tap Tender.