You can add a new customer to Greenbits in the Back Office either manually or through Express Check-In.

Add a Customer Manually in the Back Office

  1. In the Back Office, select Customers > Add Customer Add_Customer.png
  2. Fill in the customer's information.
    • If this customer is a patient: Under the Medical ID section, enter the ID Number and expiration date from the person's medical card, and any other relevant information.
    • Add a Loyalty ID: Scan the code on your Loyalty card while your cursor is in Loyalty field. When a customer with a VIP card enters your store, you can scan the barcode on the card (instead of their driver’s license). 
    • Add a referral source: Select the Referral Source dropdown and choose the appropriate source. You can also add Notes. Referral_Source.png
  3.  Select Save.

Add Customer in Back Office Using Express Check-In

If you own a recreational store in Oregon or Massachusetts, you can't use Express Check-in because of local laws about saving customer information. Here's how to check in recreational customers without creating a profile.
    1. In the Back Office, select Customers.
    2. Select the scanner icon in the search bar.
    3. Scan the barcode on the back of their ID card with an Express Check-in scanner.
    4. A New Customer form appears and Greenbits automatically fills in the person's name, date of birth, driver's license/state ID number, expiration date, and address.
    5. Select a Customer Group.
    6. If this customer is a patient: Under the Medical ID section, enter the ID Number and Expiration date from the person's medical card, and any other relevant information.
    7. Add a referral source: Select the Referral Source dropdown and choose the appropriate source. You can also add Notes.
    8. Select Save.