Ring up delivery sales with Metrc reporting: MI, MD, OR, NV - Greenbits
This article applies to Greenbits.
Ringing up sales for delivery is a different process from ringing up in-store sales. Use this guide to learn how to be compliant when ringing up delivery sales in Michigan, Maryland, Oregon, or Nevada.
Important notes
- If you previously used the toggle workflow but now have the Set Delivery Info workflow, review this article to understand how your delivery process has changed.
- The workflow described in this article includes a step that automatically creates a Metrc manifest and submits the manifest when the delivery is placed On Hold. This means that you are not required to manually create a delivery manifest in Metrc. If you used the toggle delivery workflow before, you no longer have to go into Metrc to record and complete the delivery manifest. Greenbits does it automatically for you!
- Delivery sales cannot be assigned to Employees. Selecting an employee on the register for a delivery sale will cause an error and your manifest will not be created in Metrc.
If you haven't done so already, update your permissions to allow for delivery sales.
Ring up a delivery in Greenbits
To remain compliant, complete the following steps in order before any cannabis products leave your store:
Receive order (over phone, online, etc.)
Start a new sale at the Register.
Add any relevant products to the order and attach a customer, just as you normally would.
Important: You should ensure that your customer's driver's license information is included in their customer profile. If their license information is not included, this field will be listed as "unavailable" in the Metrc delivery manifest. If the manifest says "unavailable, you must edit in Metrc to add the driver's license information.
Select Set Delivery Info. This button will be grayed out until you have added products and a customer or patient to the sale.
- A screen for entering Delivery Options will appear. You must have a delivery driver and delivery address.
- The option to add a delivery driver will not appear unless you have added all their information in the Back Office - driver license, car make, model, license plate, and their Metrc employee license number. You cannot save the profile unless you include their employee license number.
- See this article for more information about adding delivery driver information.
- If your customer has an ID and address in the Back Office, it will populate automatically. However, if an address is entered or changed on the Register it will not be pushed to the Back Office.
- Select Hold for Delivery. A receipt will auto print. This receipt is for your customer.
- The delivery order is now On Hold and the Metrc manifest has been created automatically. From the Pending Orders queue, you can filter by Delivery Only.
- Log into Metrc and print the Metrc manifest.
- Every delivery order that leaves your store must be accompanied by a printed delivery manifest.
- If you're making multiple deliveries in one trip, you need a separate manifest for each delivery.
- You must update your planned route if making multiple deliveries because all orders will start with your store as the default “point A” address. So if you are making two deliveries, your first delivery's address will become “point A” for your second delivery.
- Deliver goods and obtain customer signature. Keep this manifest.
- Return to store and finish order at Register by going to the Pending Orders queue and selecting Charge to ring out the order.
- When the order is charged, find the manifest in Metrc and select Complete.
State Processes
Be sure to review your state's approved process for deliveries.
- In Michigan, see the Metrc Support Bulletin on Patient Sales Delivery.
- In Nevada, contact the Department Of Taxation's Marijuana Enforcement Division.
- In Oregon, see the OLCC Retail Home Delivery Metrc Guide.
What to do if a delivery was unsuccessful or you make a mistake
Sometimes you can't complete a delivery. Possible reasons include:
- You couldn't verify the recipient's identity, age, or medical ID card.
- You couldn't find the delivery location.
- The recipient didn't answer the door.
- The recipient couldn't pay the full amount.
- The recipient was visibly intoxicated.
If you couldn't complete a delivery for any reason, you must void the delivery sale in Greenbits. From the Pending Orders screen - swipe left to Remove the order. The Metrc manifest will be voided automatically.
If you have made a mistake, begin the sale again.
Voiding a completed delivery sale
If you need to void a completed delivery (the order has been taken off Hold and you have accepted payment), then you must void the delivery sale in Metrc:
- For any items that were not successfully delivered, check the box for Reject Package.
- Select a Return Reason.
- Enter a detailed Note.
- Select Complete Sales Delivery.
Accept returns on delivery items
Consult your state's regulatory agency before accepting returns on delivery items. As with in-store sales, some cannabis products can't be returned or resold once they leave your store.
Alternatively, consider making it your official store policy that all sales are final. Make sure your customers understand your return policy by adding it to your receipt.
If you do accept returns on delivery items:
- Return the item(s) in Greenbits.
- Process the return or update the original sale in Metrc according to your state's guidelines.