Customer Notes is an open field on a customer profile that can be used to record any miscellaneous information about your customers, such as:

  • Frequent customers/regulars
  • Difficult customers or customers who have been "86'd"
  • Special customer needs or preferences, such as allergies or disabilities
  • Any other communications about customers between the sales and reception staff

These notes can be edited at any time from either the register app or from Back Office. Any user with the permissions to update customers and patients can add and edit Notes. To increase accountability and foster effective communication among your staff, instruct them to add their initials and date when adding notes.

Add customer notes at the register

  1. To add or edit customer notes at the register, start a transaction and assign a customer.
  2. Select the customer name A pop-up window appears showing customer loyalty points, recent purchases, and Customer Notes.
  3. Tap anywhere in the notes field and start typing your note.
  4. When you're finished, tap the X to return to the transaction screen.


Add customer notes in Back Office

When you enter Notes in the Register app, you can also view them in the Back Office, and vice versa.

  1. To access and edit notes from Back Office, go to the Customer List and select a customer or patient.
  2. Scroll down to the Notes section and enter your notes.
  3. Select Save when you are finished. Unlike the register app, notes in Back Office are not automatically saved.
