Fix Compliance Warning for Patients Not Over Their Limit - Greenbits
This article applies to Greenbits.
In states that have patient databases, Greenbits automatically verifies each Patient's limit before you complete a sale. If a Patient is over their limit, Greenbits displays this compliance warning:
If you see this warning when selling to a Patient who is not over their limit, it may be because the Patient's Medical ID Number isn't entered correctly on their Customer profile in Back Office.
To fix this:
- In the Back Office, go to Customers and search for the Patient.
- Select the Patient to open their profile.
- In the Medical ID section of the Patient profile, make sure their ID Number is entered to exactly match the patient ID number as shown in Metrc and the Patient ID card.
- Remove all spaces.
- For stores in Michigan, make sure it is in this format: PT-00-000000 or PT-000000-000000. Capital letters only. Hyphens must be included.
- Select Save, then finish ringing up your Patient's sale.