Menu feed troubleshooting for Greenbits
This article applies to Greenbits.
This article does not apply to Leafly menus. If you need help with your Leafly menu, make sure you've provided Leafly access to Greenbits, then contact Leafly Support for assistance.
Use this guide to get the maximum benefit from Greenbits' menu feed integrations and troubleshoot common issues.
- Prevent menu feed issues with consistent data entry
- Why isn't this product showing up on my menu feed?
- Understand and resolve errors
- Error when uploading image
Prevent menu feed issues with consistent data entry
The best way to prevent menu feed errors is to consistently fill in all relevant information when you enter Product details. The information you enter in the following fields is often used in menu feeds:
- Name
- Weight
- Vendor
- Brand
- Strain
- Flower Type or Concentrate Type
- Test Results
Develop and follow a Product naming convention and enter Vendor, Strain, and Brand names consistently. Avoid abbreviations and keep in mind that what you enter in these fields should be customer-facing. For example:
- Vendor: spell out full names, such as Greenbits Farms instead of Greenbits or GB Farms.
- Brand: use the same style as the brand itself, such as O.penVAPE instead of O.pen or Open Vape.
- Strain: strains might not have an official naming convention the way that Vendor or Brand names do, but you should still be consistent in the naming that you choose, such as always using Trainwreck instead of Train Wreck.
Differences in spelling, capitalization, or spacing can cause issues such as different weights of the same Product being listed as if they were different Products. This makes your menu look less polished and could make it harder for potential customers to find the items they're looking for.
Why isn't this product showing up on my menu feed?
Products only show up on your menu feed if they match all of the filters set up while creating the menu feed categories. One way to ensure that all of the products that you want on your menu feed are being displayed is to always Preview your menu feed before publishing:
The preview will look something like this:
Note: This preview includes everything that is being sent via API to your menu feed service. If the item is missing or is highlighted with an error, it will not be send to your menu feed.
Missing Products
If you have Products that don't appear at all on your menu feed preview or the live menu on your select menu service, you should:
- Go to Inventory > Products.
- Search for and select the missing Product.
- Make sure the Product's status is For Sale. Only Products that are For Sale, regardless of Barcode (SKU) status or quantity, are listed on menu feeds.
- Open a new browser window and go to Marketing > Menu Feeds.
- Select Edit for the menu feed.
- Scroll to find the Menu Group that has a missing Product and note the Product Filters.
- Make sure that the missing Product fits all of the Product Filters on the Menu Group. If not, correct the Product, Product Filters, or both, so that they match.
Understand and resolve errors
If there are any errors when you set up your menu feed that will prevent products from being displayed, clicking the Preview button will check for possible issues. Products that match filters but will not be displayed due to missing information will be highlighted:
These products will have one of the following error messages:
If you correct an error, you should see the correction automatically reflected on your menu, typically within 1 to 2 hours. In most cases there is no need to re-publish your menu feed.
Missing data to populate name
This error message appears on any Product that is missing one or more of the variables in your selected Product Name Format, which could include:
- {{strain}}
- {{brand}}
- {{concentrate_type}}
- {{tiered_pricing_model}}
For example, if you select the Product Name Format {{strain}} by {{brand}}, Greenbits won't be able to list any Products that are missing an entry in the Strain or Brand fields.
To resolve these errors:
- Open a new browser window and go to Inventory > Products.
- Apply the same filters on the Products page as you've applied to your Menu Group.
- Open each Product that's highlighted on your menu feed preview and fill in the missing fields.
Alternatively, change the Product Name format to better match the inventory you're trying to list. For example, if you don't use tiered pricing on all of your flower inventory, avoid using a Product Name Format that requires {{tiered_pricing_model}}.
Missing price that fits into listing service's price columns
There are three potential causes for this error:
- Missing Weight. Flower, pre-rolls, and concentrates should always have an entry in the Weight field. Learn how you can identify Products with missing Weights.
- Incompatible Weights. In most cases, if you selected Price By - Weight, each Product must have a Weight that matches the standard weights that your menu service uses. These are:
- Flower and Pre-rolls: .5g, 1g, 3.5g, 7g, 14g, or 28g.
- Concentrates: .5g, 1g, or 2g.
- Incompatible "Price By" Setting. For this setting you can select either Weight or Unit. The option you should select often depends on the Product Type:
- For Product Types that are sold and priced in multiple weights (both pre-packaged and deli-style), select Weight. This typically includes Flower, Pre-rolls, Wax, Concentrates, Extracts, and Tinctures.
- For Product Types that are sold and priced as "each.", select Unit. This typically includes Edibles (liquid and solid), Plants, Seeds, Capsules, and Topicals.
- If you have Products within the same Menu Group that have different units of measure or different pricing strategies, consider separating them by creating two separate Menu Groups, with one set to Price By - Weight and the other set to Price By - Unit.
Error when uploading image on Product Details page
If you get an error when you try to upload an image to the Product Details page, you must crop the image smaller in the Crop/Resize Photo editor. Images must be less than 4mb after they are cropped.
Drag the blue border inward to make the image smaller and then Save.