The Menu Feeds feature in Greenbits automates the process of managing your store's menu on the following platforms: 

Greenbits also supports integration with Leafly using a different process than the one outlined below. Learn how to link Greenbits to Leafly.

Before you begin

Before creating your menu feed, it's a good idea to make sure you have your Product list up-to-date and well-structured. In particular, make sure that:

  • The Weight field is filled in for all unit-based Products.
  • All Products have accurate Test Results entered on the Product Details tab. You can auto-calculate Test Results by changing your store settings.
  • All Products have the Strain and Brand fields filled in. 

Link Greenbits to your menu platform

Set Menu Groups

The following steps do not apply for Leafly menus. Learn more.

Go to the Back Office > Marketing > Menu Feeds.

Each Menu Group is separated by Product Type (Flower, Concentrate, Edibles, etc.), with commonly used groupings pre-filled by default.

You can remove Menu Groups by selecting the X near the upper right of each group, or add more groups by selecting Add Menu Group at the bottom of the page.

Tip: Determine the order in which you want these groups to appear on your menu before setting the filters and parameters, as you will not be able to change the order later.

Set filters and parameters

Group Name 

The available Group Names vary by menu platform.


Product Filters

Apply one or more filters for Product Type, Flower Type, Concentrate Type, Tags, Without Tags, or Quantity on hand.

To set a minimum quantity threshold, select Product Filters > Quantity > Greater than or equal to.

Only Products that match all of your Product Filters will be listed on the menu.


Price By 

Select Weight for any Products that are commonly sold in multiple weights. This includes flower (both pre-packaged and deli-style), pre-rolls, and most concentrates.

Select Unit for Products that are not commonly sold in multiple weights, such as edibles, seeds/clones, topicals, capsules, etc.

Product Name Format

This setting determines the Product name that customers will see on the menu. Check to make sure your products all have the associated fields filled in. For example, if you choose "{{strain}} by {{brand}}" each product will need to have both the Strain and Brand fields filled, otherwise it will not be shown on the menu.

  • {{strain}} - shows only the Strain name, e.g., Purple Haze
  • {{strain}} by {{brand}} - shows the Strain and Brand, e.g., Purple Haze by Greenery Farms
  • {{strain}} {{concentrate type}} by {{brand}}, e.g., Purple Haze Cartridges by Greenery Farms or Purple Haze Shatter by Greenery Farms
  • {{tiered_pricing_model}}: {{strain}} - if you use tiered pricing, this option will show the names of your Pricing Tiers, e.g., Top Shelf: Purple Haze
  • {{tiered_pricing_model}}: {{strain}} by {{brand}}, e.g., Top Shelf: Purple Haze by Greenery Farms
  • {{name}} - Products will be identified by whatever you've entered in the Name field in Greenbits.


Test Results Padding (Optional)

Shows a range of test results for all of the products in that category. Let's say for the Indica category you have Products A and B. Product A has a THC of 5.3% - 5.7%, and Product B 6% - 9.4%, depending on batch/package. If you place 2% in the padding range for this group, the results on the menu will show product A 3.3% - 7.7% and product B 4% - 11.4%.


Learn more about test results and where to enter this information in Back Office. 

Preview your menu feed

Select Preview to see what your menu will look like when published. This preview includes everything that is being sent via API to your menu feed service. If the item is missing or is highlighted with an error, it will not be send to your menu feed.


Greenbits highlights in pink any items that have issues that might prevent them from listing properly on your menu feed. See Menu Feed troubleshooting for more information.


Publish your menu feed

Once everything looks good and there are no more error messages in the preview function, save the Menu Feed, and return to the Menu Feeds screen. From there select Publish.

Set up complete! Now you should see your menu populate with all of your active products. Allow up to 1 hour for the entire menu to publish.

What's next?