This doc applies to Manual State Link only.


If your store uses Manual State Link, report your sales to your state traceability system every day. From the State Link page, download your sales in a .csv file and then upload the file into your state traceability system.


The .csv includes all sales for the day from 12:00am to 11:59pm.

Every day, download your sales for the day

Do not upload prior to the close of business or you may miss sales. If you do, refer to Report multiple times a day.
  1. Sign into the Greenbits Back Office and select State Link.
  2. From Date, select the date for the sales you want to report.
  3. From Reports, select Sales (New).
  4. Look for any customer returns, which will show up as negatives in the Quantity column. In Metrc, verify that the corresponding package ID is active. If it isn't active, unfinish it in Metrc.
  5. In Greenbits, select Download CSV. Your sales for the day download as a .csv file.
  6. If this is the first time you are downloading the sales for this date, upload the .csv file to your state traceability system. If you already downloaded sales for this day, refer to Report multiple times a day.
  7. Save the .csv on your computer, so you have a record of your reports to the state.

For information on uploading the .csv file to your state traceability system or if the upload fails, contact your state traceability system.