This doc applies to Manual State Link only.

You can adjust the quantity of inventory items in Greenbits any time you need to:

  • Dispense employee samples.
  • Correct a previous error.
  • Account for waste, spoilage, moisture loss/drying, theft, or seizure.
  • Correct your Greenbits inventory to match your actual quantity on hand.

Don't adjust inventory quantities in Greenbits if you notice an inventory discrepancy between Greenbits and your state traceability system. Instead, contact Greenbits Support for guidance.

Adjust on the Products page

Adjust on the Products screen if you only need to adjust one barcode (SKU).

  1. Go to Inventory > Products.
  2. Select the Product you want to adjust.
  3. Select the Inventory tab.
  4. Select Actions > Adjust Quantity.
  5. Enter the correct Quantity on Hand. Note that you cannot adjust above what is available in your inventory, you can only reduce inventory.
  6. Select a Reason.
    • Reason options vary by state and by license type.
    • If your reason isn't listed, consult your local regulatory agency for guidance.
  7. Enter a detailed Note explaining why you're making this adjustment. Notes are important for record keeping and compliance purposes, and Greenbits includes them on the adjustments .csv you upload to your state traceability system.
  8. Select OK.
  9. Check your work on the confirmation page.
  10. If everything is correct, select Looks Good.

Greenbits adds adjustments to the adjustments .csv you upload to your state traceability system.

Adjust on the Packages/Lots page

Adjust on the Packages/Lots screen if you need to adjust more than one barcode (SKU) within the same package/lot. This is sometimes called a contra adjustment or an over/under adjustment.

  1. Go to Inventory > Packages (Lots in Washington).
  2. Search for the Package/Lot you want to adjust.
  3. Select Actions > Adjust Quantity. All Products and barcodes (SKUs) associated with this Package/Lot display along with each barcode's (SKU's) current quantity on hand and the total quantity of all barcodes (SKUs).
  4. Enter the correct Quantity on Hand.
    • Note that you cannot adjust above what is available in your inventory and you can only reduce quantities. So in the above instance, you could not adjust the Total Quantity on Hand to 1.38 oz.
  5. Select a Reason.
    • Reason options vary by state and by license type.
    • If your reason isn't listed, consult your local regulatory agency for guidance.
  6. Enter a detailed Note explaining why you're making this adjustment. Notes are important for record keeping and compliance purposes, and Greenbits includes them on the adjustments .csv you upload to your state traceability system.
  7. Select OK.
  8. Check your work on the confirmation page.
  9. If everything is correct, select Looks Good.

Greenbits adds adjustments to the adjustments .csv you upload to your state traceability system.