Washington: Create a manifest for a vendor return or internal transfer - Greenbits
This article applies to Greenbits.
Any time you need to return inventory to a vendor or transfer to another one of your retail locations, create a transfer manifest in Greenbits following the steps below.
Before you begin
- Remove the items from your sales floor.
Split the lots that you plan to return or transfer.
- You can't return or transfer a portion of a unique identifier/lot. Split the quantity you're returning or transferring onto a new unique identifier/lot first.
- If you're transferring the entire remaining quantity of a unique identifier/lot and you've previously made sales or adjustments on this unique identifier/lot, you should still split it first.
- If you transfer a unique identifier/lot that you've sold from or made adjustments to, you're also transferring sales and adjustment records, which may be a compliance issue. Splitting the inventory onto a new lot avoids this problem.
- You don't need to split if you haven't made any sales or adjustments on a unique identifier/lot since you received it.
- Keep the original unique identifier/lot numbers in your inventory.
- Slashes (/) are not supported.
- Use the new unique identifier/lot numbers for the return or transfer.
Create a manifest
At least 6 hours before your inventory is scheduled for pickup, go to Inventory > Return Inventory and select Add Return Manifest. Fill in the following sections of the manifest.
Manifest Details
- Shipment Id: The reference number for this manifest will be used as the Manifest ID. This can be whatever you want it to be.
- Pick Up Time: Estimated date and time that the driver is scheduled to pick up the items.
- Transportation Type: Select either Vendor Pickup or Third Party Courier. For internal transfers where a member of your staff or the receiving location's staff will be transporting the inventory, use Vendor Pickup.
- Notes: Optional field for any important messages you wish to attach to this manifest.

Marijuana Products to Return
Next, add the unique identifier/lot numbers you'll be returning.
Some Products may also have a barcode (SKU) for scanning purposes that are not the same as the unique identifier/lot number (see below).
Unique identifier/Lot numbers are case-sensitive, so be sure all letters in the lot number are capitalized.
Samples can't be returned. Instead, distribute them to employees or destroy them.

You cannot return a partial unique identifier/lot. If you are not returning the full remainder of a unique identifier/lot, split the quantity to be returned onto a new unique identifier/lot number.
Destination Information
Make sure the Licensee Name and 6-digit WSLCB License Number you enter in this section match state records. Refer to 502data.com to verify names and license numbers. Any inaccuracies in this section will hold up the transfer.
Also include the Destination Address, Phone number, and Email.
Transporter and Vehicle Information
Lastly, fill in Transporter Information. If you are using the Third Party Courier option, the only required information is the courier name and license number. As above, check with the driver or check the official state records on 502data.com to ensure you have the correct name and license number.
If using the Vendor Pickup option, you'll need each of the following.
- Driver's legal name
- Driver's Transporter ID
- Driver's date of birth
- Vehicle VIN number
- Vehicle year, color, make, and model
- Vehicle license plate number
Save the manifest
Click Save in the upper right to submit the manifest for processing. This takes you back to the Return Inventory page, and the manifest you've just created will be shown here with the status of Waiting. This indicates that Greenbits has created the manifest, but hasn't submitted it yet.
Note: Return manifests cannot be edited once you've saved them. If you make a mistake or need to add more unique identifiers/lots to a return manifest, delete the manifest and re-create it.
Submit the manifest and complete the transfer
- When you're ready to complete the transfer, click the CCRS Manifest CSV button. This generates a manifest CSV file and submits it to CCRS.
- CCRS responds by generating a PDF version of the manifest and sending it to the email addresses listed on the manifest for the sender, recipient, and transporter company (if applicable).
- If there are errors or discrepancies in the submitted manifest, CCRS sends a report describing the error(s) that need to be corrected in CCRS before it can generate the PDF.
- Print the PDF from CCRS. This must be provided to the driver. We recommend also printing the manifest from Greenbits by clicking the PDF button and providing this copy to the driver as well.
- Vendor returns only: Click WCIA to download the JSON file of the items you’re returning. Email the JSON file to the vendor so they can use it to receive the inventory. Greenbits does not generate a URL for the JSON—this is only a file for download.
- Once you have given the products on the manifest to the driver, click Mark Complete & Audit to change the manifest's status to Transferred Out and automatically adjust the unique identifiers/lots down to zero to remove them from your Greenbits inventory.
- You can go to the Audits page to view this audit at any time.
- Or, if you want to manually perform an audit instead of Greenbits doing it for you, you can select the Mark Complete button instead. This marks the manifest as Transferred Out only.
Reminder! If you select Mark Complete, you still need to perform a manual audit to stay in compliance with CCRS.