Splitting a Lot (also commonly known as "sub-lotting") is a required step before you transfer any inventory to another location. Learn more about when and why you should split Lots.

  1. Go to Inventory > Lots.
  2. Search for the Lot you'll be splitting, then select Actions > Split for Return or Transfer.
  3. If the Lot has more than one SKU with available quantity, select the Source SKU that you want to pull from.





  • Enter in new unique destination identifier/lot (must be numbers and less than 18 digits). This must be unique and will not be auto generated.
    • This will become your identifier in CCRS.
  • Enter the Quantity you want to split onto the new Lot, and select OK.
  • Confirm the accuracy of your entries, then select Looks Good.
  • After inputting the new identifier for the split they will get a summary screen






What's next?

  1. If you split the entire remaining quantity of the original Lot, immediately change the status the associated SKU(s) to Not For Sale. If you have Prevent Sales When Quantity Reaches 0 enabled, this happens automatically.
  2. If you plan to return any other items to the same vendor, repeat the above steps.
  3. Create a return manifest.