If you find a negative package/lot in Greenbits, you can investigate your negative inventory using audit logs and Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. If you need help using spreadsheets, you can find helpful tips in our article.

  • When a budtender is allowed to add items to a sale by the name instead of scanning, mistakes can happen. Consider turning off the Manually Add Item permission for budtenders.

Find your negative inventory

  1. Go to Inventory > Packages or Lots.
  2. Select the Quantity column to sort the list from lowest to highest quantity. This moves any negative packages/lots to the top of the list.

Review your Audit Logs

Run an Audit Log for each negative item. If you're investigating one package in particular, you can filter to show that Package ID only.

The largest benefit you can get from the Audit Log is to look at behavior patterns. Here's some to look out for:

If you discover this happened You can fix it by doing this
Sales on a Package when you still have quantity in a previous Package

If there are sales of the new Package of a Product prior to selling out of the previous Package, then run Audit Logs for both of those Barcodes (SKUs). Your team may have sold from the wrong Package.

If this is the case, make adjustments to both Packages. Increase the quantity of one Package and decrease the same amount to the other Package.

Back-to-back conversions on one Package

One of the conversions may have been an error. Run an Audit Log for this Barcode (SKU) and then reverse the incorrect conversion.

An adjustment that puts the Package into negative

Sometimes this can be 2 adjustments made in a row. One of them was an error.

Sometimes this can be an adjustment made on the wrong Package.

If you see an adjustment was made incorrectly, go to Reports > Other Reports and run an Inventory Adjustment Report for that day and see who made the adjustments. The person who made the adjustments may have more insights.

Products with similar names

If your team can manually add items at the Register, then they could have accidentally chosen a Product with a similar name.

Run an Audit Log of Products with similar names, to see if your budtenders sold the incorrect Product. Make adjustments to correct it.

Sales from the incorrect Package, including sales that happened after the quantity of a Package is at 0

If you find a discrepancy where you sold from the incorrect Package, run an Audit Log for both Barcodes (SKUs), and make adjustments to both Packages. Increase the quantity of one package and decrease the same amount to the other Package.