Best practices for inventory adjustment notes - Greenbits
This article applies to Greenbits.
When you adjust inventory quantities, Greenbits requires you to enter a note explaining why you're making the adjustment.
- Greenbits reports adjustment notes to your state traceability system exactly as you enter them. Adjustment notes also appear in Greenbits reports. Don't enter a note that you wouldn't want a state inspector or your supervisor to see.
- Be thorough and detailed. Your notes should clearly answer any questions that a state inspector, your supervisor, or your coworkers might ask about an adjustment.
- Detailed and complete adjustment notes help to demonstrate that you're making a good-faith effort to remain in compliance and maintain thorough records. On the other hand, inspectors might see it as a red flag if your adjustment notes are vague or incomplete.
Greenbits automatically reports the following to your state traceability system when you make an adjustment. You don't need to include these details in your notes:
- Product name.
- Package ID/Lot number/UID number.
- Amount of the adjustment, and whether it was positive or negative.
- The date and time you made the adjustment.
- The Reason you selected from the drop-down menu.
If you have user-specific API keys, Greenbits also reports the user who made the adjustment. Otherwise, it's a good idea to also include your name or initials in your note.
If you're making an adjustment to account for employee samples, include the name of the employee receiving the sample in your note. If applicable, also include their state-issued cannabis handler number, license number, or employee number.
Don't enter a note that restates the Reason you selected. Instead, enter a note that provides additional context. For example, this note states that the adjustment corrects a previous error, what the specific error was, and that the quantity on hand is now accurate:
You can also use notes to explain the Reason you selected. For example, this note states that the package was unopened, had been in back stock for 4 weeks, and that the current weight is only slightly less than the original weight. This note supports your selection of Moisture Weight Change, and shows an inspector that you did your due diligence.