FAQ: Create a Product Type for Hemp in Oregon
This article applies to Greenbits.
If you sell hemp in Oregon, create a Product Type for hemp with Hemp as the Transaction Limit Type.
If you previously had your hemp Products under a different Product Type, like Flower, or under a Hemp Product Type with a Transaction Limit Type of None, follow this workflow to update your inventory instead.
Create a Product Type for hemp
Create a new Product Type for Hemp, using this information:
- Enter Hemp for the Name.
- For Is Marijuana, select Yes.
- For Transaction Limit Type, select Hemp.
- After you save your Hemp Product Type, go to your Taxes page and open a Tax. Make sure Hemp is NOT checked for any column on the Product Types & Customer Groups table. Hemp is not taxed in Oregon.
When you create a new Product for hemp, remember to assign it to the Hemp Product Type.