Canadian operators, learn how to refund a credit or debit transaction (integrated and non-integrated) through Dutchie POS.

If you are using Dutchie’s integrated payments or non-integrated payments solution in Canada, you can issue a refund to your customers through Dutchie POS and accurately track what products have been returned. 

The integrated process happens directly through the POS, while the non-integrated process has to be done in the POS and entered in the non-integrated terminal. 

The refund that you issue will go back to the card that was used to purchase the goods. Refunds will be sent and allocated in the closing report for reconciliation.

Note: Split-payment transactions will still be refunded entirely in cash. If the retail customer wants to return all items on the transaction, a separate return needs to be posted for each line item.


  1. Go to the customer's profile, and go to their transaction history.
  2. Click the three dots ...  next to the transaction you want to refund items for.
  3. Click Details.
  4. Select the three dots ...  next to the item you want to refund.
  5. Click Return.
    Card transactions that are being returned will display a text prompt stating:
    ”(dollar amount) will be returned to card ending in ****(last four digits of card number).”
  6. Under Returned to Card, select Yes.
  7. Under Returned to Inventory, select Yes or No
  8. Choose the return reason.
  9. Click Process to send the return information to the card reader
  10. After the return has been prompted in Dutchie Point of Sale, the payment terminal will prompt the total refund amount on-screen.
  11. If the return is made to a debit card, the customer needs to swipe their card, and then they will be prompted to tap their debit card on the terminal.
    Note: The customer does not need the card if the return is made to a credit card.
  12. After the debit terminal finishes processing the return, a prompt appears in the Dutchie Point of Sale that alerts the staff member the refund has been processed.
  13. Select the ellipsis next to the transaction and then click Print Receipt.
    Note: Refunds are always posted as a separate transaction in the POS transaction history to account for closing reports.


For non-integrated solutions, refunds will need to be done on the non-integrated payment terminal, and then through Dutchie POS. 

  1. Go to Sales History.
  2. Click the three dots ... next to the transaction and select Details
  3. In the Order summary section, click the three dots ... and select Return.
  4. In the Return Product window, set Returned via Cash to Yes and Returned to Inventory to Yes
    Note: Returned via cash has to be set to Yes to have a record of the return. Returned to inventory has to be Yes for compliance reasons. 
  5. Select a return reason and click Process return
    Note: If you are not issuing cash as a refund, the return process has to be completed in the customer profile with a change of payment type.
  6. Go to Customers.
  7. Enter the order number in the guest search to find the return. 
  8. Click the edit icon. 
  9. Go to History to find the returned line item.
    Note: The returned line item will have a negative in the total cost field.
  10. Click the three dots … and select Payment
  11. In the Change Payment type window, enter the negative amount in the Debit Paid field and enter 0 in the Change Paid field. 

Closing report tips for refunds

When you run the Closing report in the backoffice, processed returns will be calculated in the Income summary section. The printed receipt from the non-integrated payment terminal it should match the returned amount in the income summary. 

Additional reading