Learn about Metrc delivery options for Dutchie POS.

Important: Some functionality mentioned in this article is still in development with Dutchie. Therefore, as of April 1, 2023, retailers will need to manually report deliveries to Metrc to remain compliant. Dutchie will notify retailers as soon as this functionality is available for use.    

Starting April 1, 2023, California requires dispensaries to report additional delivery details to Metrc. This guide highlights which features retailers should take advantage of and where in the platform they should go to ensure the right trigger points are called to Metrc.

Mandatory actions include:

Things to consider

  • Rather than restocking, we recommend generating a new retailer delivery if a driver finishes their route and goes back to the location. This allows for each trip upon its completion and arrival back to the store, regardless of destinations, to start with a fresh delivery manifest and inventory upon return.
  • Deliveries can only be canceled at the POS. If a driver is using mobile checkout, they will not be able to cancel a delivery from their device. 
  • New workflow steps that retailers must follow include indicating when a driver departs and when an order is ready for delivery 


Retailers must set the Metrc setting Delivery Transaction Action to Metrc Delivery to remain compliant. Go to Settings > Integrations > Metrc. In the Metrc setting tab, select Metrc Delivery from the Delivery Transaction Action dropdown. 

California delivery compliance workflow

Record and update a delivery

When you click the Ready for Delivery button when recording a delivery or editing a delivery’s information, Dutchie will push this information to Metrc. The Ready for delivery button is located within:

  • The order Delivery Options window.
  • Delivery tab (Recommended for bulk management): When you create a route you can select Ready For Delivery. Once you click ready for delivery it will push info to Metrc and change the order status to Ready.
  • An existing delivery when you click ‘Edit route’

Note: This action is new for CA retailers and is required by the state. 

Driver departures

The state wants to know when drivers are leaving. When you click Start Route as the vehicle departs for the delivery, Dutchie pushes the Depart for retail delivery action to Metrc. There are 3 ways to do this:

    1. Via mobile checkout: Tap the button ‘Start Route’.
    2. Via a dispatcher within POS: From the Delivery page, within Route Settings there is an option to “Start Route” which will trigger the “Depart for retail delivery” action to Metrc. 
    3. If you've integrated Dutchie POS with Onfleet, you can also select Ready for Delivery in Onfleet.


This is unique to CA deliveries and required by the state. If you are just getting started with mobile check out and want to know more about managing deliveries, see Manage delivery orders in mobile checkout and Delivery settings and configurations.

Delivery cancellations

To cancel a delivery, select ‘Cancel Transaction’ on the guest card option. This will delete the delivery and tell Metrc the transaction is no longer happening.


Delivery completion

When a delivery is complete you’ll need to end the delivery so that completion is reported to Metrc. A delivery can be ended in Mobile Checkout or the POS, see Wrapping up your route.

Mobile Checkout

When you tap “Checkout” when a delivery sale is closed and tendered, Dutchie will send the info to Metrc.


When you close a delivery in POS, this ends the retail delivery and notifies Metrc of completion, see Manage delivery orders at the POS

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