Install printer drivers for USB connection to Windows devices (Beta)
This article applies to Dutchie POS.
This article applies only to Dutchie Register USB hardware setup (Beta)
The Dutchie Register allows you to connect receipt and label printers directly to your register device via USB.
If your register runs on a Windows computer or Surface tablet, a third-party driver must be installed on any connected printers in order to support direct USB connection.
Alternatively, connect printers over your network using the PrintNode application. This does not require a driver and also enables remote printing and fulfillment.
No driver is required for connection to Apple devices, regardless of the connection method.
Download the Zadig application
Zadig is a Windows application that is used to install the required USB driver on your printer(s). To get started, download the application and run the .exe file. When asked if you want to allow the app to make changes to your device, click Yes.
Connect printers
Connect a receipt or label printer to your Windows device using a USB cable. You can use a USB hub or adapter as needed. Connect only one printer at a time.
Install the driver
These steps will replace any driver previously installed on the printer, and as a result, the printer may no longer work with applications other than Dutchie POS. For example, if the printer was previously configured to work with PrintNode, it will appear offline in PrintNode after installing the Zadig driver.
- In the Zadig window, select Options > List all devices.
- Select the printer from the dropdown.
- Click Replace Driver. Installation may take several minutes.
- Repeat the above steps for any additional printers.
Uninstalling the driver
If you've installed the driver to a USB-connected printer but decide to repurpose the printer and instead connect to it via PrintNode, you can uninstall the Zadig driver:
- Open Device Manager.
- Scroll down to Universal Serial Bus devices and click to expand. Printers with the Zadig driver installed will be listed below.
- Right-click the printer from which you want to uninstall the driver and select Uninstall device.
- In the Uninstall Device window, check the box for Attempt to remove the driver from this device.
- Click Uninstall.
- Disconnect the printer from your device, then reconnect it. This is sometimes necessary to trigger Windows to reinstall the standard driver used for other applications including PrintNode.
- If the printer was previously configured to work with PrintNode, it should automatically reappear in PrintNode. Otherwise, configure the printer in PrintNode.